According to F.J. Dake, there are 357 verses in the 12 chapters (using King James Version), 11,606 words and 16 questions asked. To continue his observation 218 verses are of a history nature, 79 verses of fulfilled and 60 verses of unfulfilled prophecy. There are 7 commands, 4 promises and 16 messages from God.

The man:
There are not many men in the Bible of whom God has only good to say…..Daniel, being one of them. In fact three times Daniel is referred to as “the greatly beloved”. He was a super-hero. He was a young Jew – possibly a teenager who was captured, taken from Babylon. These guys were – in our day language – “cool”. They were from a royal or noble family. Their appearance was one without blemish, mind wise, skilful in all wisdom, endued with knowledge and understanding science. The Message puts it this way: -young men who were healthy and handsome, intelligent and well-educated, good prospects for leadership positions in the government, perfect specimens!- and indoctrinate them in the Babylonian language and the lore of magic and fortunetelling

The date:
The date has been suggested by some to be around 538 B.C.Taken into captivity with him are three other young men. We know them by their Babylonian names – Shadrach, Meshach and Abnego. The name, “Daniel” means “God is Judge”.

The Book:
The first 6 chapters of this book contains some really great stories. They were passed on by oral tradition which captures the “exciting” life of Daniel. It tells of the trials and triumphs of his life. From these wise teenagers of faith we, today, can learn…to resist temptation and conquer the trial and adversities of life.

Jesus on Daniel:
What does Jesus say about this book? According to the New Testament, Jesus believed that Daniel was a real historical person who was used by God. Jesus also believed that the prophecies in the book of Daniel (chapters 7 – 12) came from Daniel himself. It is interesting that the prophecies of Daniel of the Old Testament corresponds to John in the new testament, writing the book of the Revelation.
