Very Personal Words Experienced by One Sheep Through a Year. 

Because of His Grace There Was Victory

February 11

SHEEP: You are certainly choosing to teach me Your truth through the circumstances of my life. I praise You again, for Your faithfulness to me. I can't believe how near giving up I was!

ANOTHER SHEEP: (Husband, Neal) That is a true statement. I have never seen Nancy LOOK like that (drawn, scary, dead looking) and it really scared me. One of Nancy's prayer partners came over and was used by the Lord to give Nancy the fighting spirit which she needed. We put Scripture music on. Later another person came in for additional prayer support, and I can't say "before we knew it " because it did take a period of time, but my baby DID have victory!.

SHEEP: Thank You for carrying me to victory! (A righteous indignation had to rise up in me!) The entry of the Holy Spirit power began working in me. His strength came forth and I began "pressing in" against everything that was coming against me.

There was a change in me as I fought through in the power of His Strength and I experienced a complete change - - a miracle!) Before fear, despair and weariness had a hold to destroy me. But, because of His GRACE, there was VICTORY! It was NOT positive thinking, as some would say. It was the powerful Presence IN me.

It is no different than what His disciples had to "understand" after the crucifixion and resurrection. We have to "learn by the experiencing of our faith" - Learn to know "in our hearts" what Jesus said in His WORD is true and live by them - truly live the abundant life He came to give us!

GOD'S WORD:John 10:10 "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows". The abundant life by the power of His Holy Spirit.

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