Very Personal Words Experienced by One Sheep Through a Year. 

You Know My Heart

February 27

SHEPHERD: A new day has dawned – in every sense of the word. Receive it as such. It is yours and Mine for the working it out in your life. Joy as come. Healing has come! All things new have come. Receive it with joy and expectancy of "what next, my Lord? What next? Yes! These are My words to you! Amen and Amen! Expect to experience much no matter how little it may be. You will recognize it as My Hand that has done it - you will be humbled. A humbled, grateful heart is yours - all things new for My glory, honor and praise. People will sense it - your family especially. Joy abounds, My beloved - that joy of a fully giving heart to Me and others

SHEEP: What can I say, My Lord! My words are so inadequate. You know my heart. I love You. I thank You. I give my all for You. I can't begin to express how much I want this for my loved ones - all those You've put on my heart and the many others You will place in my path. I don't want to fail you. Keep me by Your side. How clears, refreshed, alive I feel this morning. It truly is a gift from you! Thank You. I love You. I worship You. May my whole life be a worship of You – bring glory , honor and praise to You. are the reason for my being.

Bless my beloved, Neal. Don't know how You are going to do it but I expect to see him alive with joy and expectancy as well! Our later days will be more fruitful for you. To you belongs all praise!

My family from the oldest to the youngest and all you have given me to love - victory! –restoration! -- a people on fire for you! - knowing you as you have never been known before to them! Hallelujah! You reign! You reign! You reign! Merciful faithful loving Lord, I thank you! To you be all glory honor and praise. Amen

1 John 3 Work out with fear and trembling for it is He who works in us to will to do his good pleasure. We are to live Christ before people's eyes. As His character is revealed in us so will His power be given to fulfill the calling. We are to have the mind that was in Christ Jesus.

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