Very Personal Words Experienced by One Sheep Through a Year. 

September 9

September 9

GOD'S WORD: Malachi 4:2 "But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves [released] from the stall and leap for joy".

Healing – restoration of health, rescue of the entire person and healing is the complete repair of us – soul that has sinned and a broken heart.

The rising sun with radiant beams streaming outward in all directions with beams of glorious light, healing flows.

GOD'S WORD: Acts 2:2-3 "When suddenly there came a sound from heaven like the rushing of a violent tempest blast, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting. 3 And there appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were separated and distributed and which settled on each one of them.

SHEEP: Tongues as of
Same glory that led the Israelites
Same as wings – healing, glory
Like burning bush – symbol of His Presence
His Holy Spirit at work

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